Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A humble thank you

Happy Tuesday to you all. After spending about 80 hours in the last week to get the Just As I Am project off the ground I had a great weekend (Sunday-Monday) with my family.

I have been so humbled and honoured to be a part of the lives of our participants this last week; over 50 beautiful people have so far been a part of this project with more to come and this has been a truly touching experience for me. Something that I’ve noticed this past year was that as people get physically naked it is so much easier to get emotionally naked.

When we started thinking about this project I realized that for me this would be a time of being very vulnerable which I’m really not used to. I have been so humbled and blessed to hear so many of your stories, stories of new beginnings in life, people trying to find wholeness in life and many people who just want to face their fears. Here are some interesting stats;
-We have had about 26% male participation
-so far ages range from 20-64
-we have had people of all shapes and sizes
-Most common Quote “I didn’t think I could get that good a photo in 10 mins”
-Quote that made me laugh a lot – when asked about how she felt about people seeing her image in a gallery “If I have anything that somebody hasn’t seen before one of us needs to go and see a doctor.”

Due to increasing interest and upcoming media attention we are adding more spaces in the next two weeks, they will be appearing in the next two days.
Thank you again to those of you who have been willing to participate in this project, we are more grateful than we could possibly express but we do have a special event coming up for you next week which will be the grand unveiling of the images created so far with web galleries to go up the next day.


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