Friday, November 27, 2009

Your Life Now

I hate to publish something here so quickly after Rod wrote that thought-provoking post (honey, that was amazing...thanks for sharing that with us).

It's just been on my mind to find out how life has changed since participating in the project. I know one person has said she looks at people differently now--she wonders what their stories are.

What about you? Has being in the project changed you or your perspective or reinforced anything for you? We really want to get back in touch with the people of our project (we've been too focused on the production aspect lately).

So, please accept our invitation to share. Please use the level of anonymity you are comfortable with. Remember for the name/url option you can choose whatever name you wish and website/email addresses are not necessary.


Anonymous said...

I recall a beautiful day, fondly ,and smiling all the way home. Now, I smile thinking about was fun. Thanx.

Sonya said...

Thanks for all the email responses I've gotten so far. Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Immediately after this project, I felt great. I had done something "wild and crazy" and was very proud of myself. Since then I will admit that I feel a good deal of....shame? Rejection? It seems that photos of me were not included in the collection. The logical part of me says the lighting probably didn't turn out, or the pictures were maybe blurry. But inside, I'm afraid of something much worse.

I'm not sorry I participated in this project, I'm just sad about the way it's turned out.

Sonya said...

Hi, there, anonymous...
please email me at to figure out what's gone wrong. If you're not in the collection, we've somehow missed getting you on the website. I assure you there are none that didn't turn out, and definitely not from any fault of yours. If you just signed on to the website for the first time since your shoot, please note that not all the images are being shown at once right now. They will be rotating on and off.