Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not dead yet!!

No I’m not dead or if I am heaven is a lot different then I imagined it to be. I’m so sorry about the time between blogs; I’ve been in Saskatchewan for a week and then trying to dig out of the aftermath of a week away from home and studio.

Firstly I must say to Jan and Sarah, congratulations on your newfound fame, I hear you were simply superb in your interview on CBC Radio. CBC wanted to do a story on the whole Just As I Am project but apparently I wasn’t handsome enough to be part of it; odd isn’t it since it was a radio interview. No offence taken though and Jan and Sarah were interviewed from the perspective of someone wanting to be a part of this project as a model. Unfortunately I missed it but we are hoping to get an MP3 that you can all link to.

I also want to send out a huge congratulations to Leila Marston, She was the feature actress this last weekend in a play that Sonya and I had the pleasure of taking in at the Ellice café and theatre. Leila was playing the role of a mermaid who was searching for an eternal soul, you were amazing Leila!!

Well as I mentioned I spent a week in Regina for a convention and have come back very inspired, I have so many things that I have learned that I want to try. Anyway, landscaping at the house is calling me and when it uses Sonya to call it’s best to listen and obey, I’ll talk to you all soon.




Sonya said...

Yes, I'm such a harsh taskmaster!

jan severloh said...

Thanks Rodney... yeah... it was a blast doing the interview. I felt like I was on an episode of Frasier! :)

The acoustics in the sound booth was amazing and we sounded much more throaty and provocative then real life... so not only do people not know what you look like on radio... they don't know that you sound like Mickey Mouse either!

Anywho... it was just another wonderful aspect of this adventure...

Take care,


The Primordial Muse said...

Thank you so much for the congratulations! That role is the greatest challenge I've taken on to-date, and it was wonderful to have you both in the audience of our opening night. :)

Just read the Uniter article, too; what fabulous press!