Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doubled Again!

Just wanted to announce that we've doubled our participants again! Thanks to everyone for their involvement so far.

We've been toying with adding on a couple more days to this project. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Good Question

Someone shared this question with me, and I hope she won't mind if I post it here: "I want to do it, but I don't know. Do you have to be skinny and good-looking like the girl on the web-site?"

The answer is a resounding no.

We need people of all shapes, sizes, ages, backgrounds in order to make this project a success. We want to show that you don't need to look a certain way to be considered a work of art. We have had about a dozen people come through so far, all unique. Some confident, others not. And believe it or not, skinny doesn't automatically mean comfortable with body.

I sincerely hope that any who are reading this that feel they don't measure up in some way, will have the freedom to come and be part of this project. You are needed. You can be part of the solution, part of changing what we perceive to be "acceptable" or normal or okay.

I apologize that our key images for the project have been a deterrent for some. There was a bit of a time factor, and we used the best images we had on file that either depicted an emotion of "Just As I Am" or a very basic nude pose on the background we planned on using.

Our project could still benefit from more variety. We've had some diversity in body shapes, but we'd love even more. We would love to have some 60 and 70 and 80 year-olds! We would love to have more skin tones! We would love to have people with scars that tell a story. Or stretch marks. Or whatever...

Thanks again, to all who have come out so far. It's been fun! I feel like this project has been worth it already.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Group Prize is Confirmed!

Not sure whether we'll keep it to the largest group or if it will be all groups (depends on how many come out), but we have now confirmed that our group prize will be a house concert by local singer/songwriter, Sheena Grobb, held at our studio at a date to be determined. Wine tasting courtesy of Barefoot Wines will round out the evening.

So round up your office, your salon staff, your yoga class (your whatever), and you could be part of an amazing night of music and mingling.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thank You

We just doubled our participant numbers in the last 24 hours!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Beam me slim Scottie!

It’s been a crazy week, we have been working like dogs trying to get the word out about this project and in the middle of it all I have caught a nasty cold that has just about knocked me out the last few days.

Well today I did something I didn’t think I would ever do, I went to Zealous MediSpa and had what’s called a Eurowave treatment. What are you talking about Rodney, I know that’s what you are thinking so I will explain; the Eurowave is a machine that basically shoots electrodes through your body and stimulates your muscles similar to a work out (They say that an 18 min treatment is similar to 200 perfect sit-ups.) Again, I hear your question in advance and will of course respond, who does a perfect sit-up, not me thank you very much so the thought that I could sit there and have a conversation with Darcy (She is such a sweetie) and have this intense workout at the same time was very intriguing to me.

As you may or may not know, I have some body issues sometimes; and sometimes I don’t. I’m 6’4” and weigh in at about 200 pounds without clothing on, and there are days where I just am not impressed with what I see in that state; on the other hand there are other day’s when I feel as though it’s really irresponsible of me to be walking around when those around me are not wearing sunglasses as they may be overwhelmed by my masculine brilliance, am I the only one out there who goes back and forth like this?? Anyway back to my story, I saw the promotion that they have as a come and test the Eurowave and get the first treatment at $10 (It’s a $50 value.) it also say’s that you will loose 1-3 inches in that timeframe. Yes, 1-3 inches in 18 mins for only $10 you are in fact not dreaming!!! I went in this morning all ready to go and get slim, armed with my duffel bag containing a Pepsi, chips and chocolate (I thought they would have to work to get the inches off of me) and immerged 20 mins later having lost a stunning 1 and 1/6 inches off of my gut! Wowsers, is that worth the $10??

Yesterday I while out dropping off posters I was at the new Sustainable fitness headquarters located in the Fitness Experience building on king Edward and spent some time talking to Allan and Shaun the father son team that run Sustainable fitness boot camps. Shaun and Allan have there own ways of helping to melt the inches off although I think it’s much harder to carry on a conversation while doing things their way, but they have the added advantage of heart health in the process; and who says sweating isn’t sexy?

Well we are three days away from the start of our project “Just As I Am” and time slots are starting to fill up although only about a quarter of the people who have said they would be involved have actually taken the time to fill in time slots so I’m really hoping to see them fill up this weekend. This project has so much potential and I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us all although I’m surprised at how few men or couples have signed up. Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging through this whole process, you all mean the world to us. Anyways, if you are thinking about being involved sign up today, and we will see you next week.

Until next time, have a great day,


Monday, April 20, 2009

Just As I Am Project

Well it seems to me that the job of artists in society tends to be to shed light on issues that we face on a daily basis; and given the description that I just gave I would propose to you that Jerry and the cast of Seinfeld were in fact the artists of the century for the 20th century. I draw a lot of inspiration from the light-hearted jokesters in that they seemed to fearlessly bring into the open things that we all thought and were afraid to say while making us laugh about it. As I develop as an artist I have found that it is in fact very difficult to do what Jerry did, it is hard when you feel the judgment of those around you to stand up and do what it is that you think is right or to say what needs to be said.

Just over two years ago I received a phone call from a friend, one of the best and most influential friends I will ever have. Tim is an art teacher in a Christian school in BC and on this particular week he had taken his grade 10-12 art students on a trip to the local art gallery as he was prone to do a couple of times a year. Tim described the experience as they went through the upper floor of the gallery and saw some wonderfully inspiring “Christian” art, that is beautiful water colors and landscapes but then to his horror as they went down into the lower gallery they were hit straight on by a cartoon character in full frontal nudity doing something very derogatory. Tim decided it was too late to turn back and proceeded through the gallery with his students electing to spend some time with them afterwards discussing what they had seen and their thoughts on it.

“Why was there nobody who looked like me in there” was one girl’s response, “They were all perfect bodies.”
“Why are there no Christians doing nudes in art” asked another girl.
“I didn’t feel uplifted in any way from what I saw” stated another.

Art has the power to change our lives, as long as we as artists come at it not as “how can I shock the viewer” but rather “how can I open up my soul or the soul of my subject in such a way as to touch the soul of the viewer.” I have never had the pleasure of going to Europe, but those that I have talked to who have seen the David or the paintings within The Sistine Chapel both of which were created by Michelangelo say that seeing these works literally takes your breathe away. What is it about beauty and the body that is so inspiring??

David the Israelite king whose appearance Michelangelo was trying to capture said in Psalm 139 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,” I don’t know about most people, but growing up I didn’t feel wonderfully made; I was a skinny awkward kid who never felt comfortable in my own skin. The terms “Bone rack” and “beanpole” will probably haunt me all of my life, and now as an adult I feel as though most of the time I am a beanpole with a big lump in the middle where my thundering abs should be, my chest too small an undefined, shoulders too droopy and arms too spindly; again I feel more fearfully than wonderfully made.

For the past two years I have been thinking about the project of photographing art nudes of anyone who would come in to stand in front of my camera and be photographed “Just as they are” but as is often the case I have spent the last two years in fear of how a project like this would be viewed and so put off doing it. This past year has been a great and hard year for me as Sonya and I have been working on Eve Studios a studio which focuses on building self esteem in women through photography. I have been deeply hurt by the stories I have heard from some clients as they struggle through the question of “Am I beautiful”, and hearing the stories of hurt and pain that many of our clients have held on to for years and decades for some. On the flip side I have had a number of clients who have come in fully confident that they are beautiful and very comfortable with their appearance, and in these cases I have felt immense joy. I have seen incredible beauty in clients of all ages and shapes and can honestly say that they are Fearfully, Wonderfully and Beautifully made.

Just As I Am is a project where anyone from 18 – 118 can come and have 10 mins of photography time to bare their souls as well as their bodies and come to the place of saying this is me, Just As I Am. I ask only a few things of those who wish to be involved, Please bring ID that proves your age, please either write a sentence or two or come with a phrase or two that you feel describes who you are. I welcome men or women to come alone, but also encourage them co come as a couple if they want, or to come as a group; but if you want to be a part of touching the lives of others and in fact be touched with the beauty of who you are please sign up for a timeslot and be part of the healing process.
